As a child my grandmother would ensure we would go to church as often as she was able to take us, which was pretty often. However, there was no questions or anything on what we had learned that day in Sunday school. Needless to say I really hadn’t learned anything about God or his unconditional love for me.
Throughout my whole life I had experienced trauma! From being disowned from my father at birth, to my mother, who was a dedicated alcoholic, passing away 4 days before my 6th birthday.
I can still remember as if it were yesterday trying to stretch to give her a kiss in her casket. Then Grams picking me up to kiss her cheek.
I was molested and raped by my older cousin starting from the age of 9 until I was 11. On top of it all, I was physically abused by my older sister whenever I said or did something she didn’t approve. I really looked up to my sister I loved her and wanted to be just like her, but that love apparently went one way.
At seventeen I started using methamphetamines & alcohol. I just thought I was having fun. It wasn’t until I got older and went to jail that I realized that maybe, just maybe, there was really an underlying issue for my use of drugs & alcohol. I was trying to numb the pain of my childhood.
When I went to jail in 2017, I started going to church and went to a faith based addiction program. That’s when I got saved. That’s when I realized what Christianity was about. But my brain and body was used to doing things my own way for 38 years, it was my comfort zone so to speak—so I still struggled.
Needless to say I ended up back in jail a couple years later on more serious charges. When I was able to bail out I went to the Rescue Mission. Even though I did not want to be in a homeless shelter I knew deep down that this was going to be the start of a new life for me! Funny thing was, one of the volunteer prison ministers was now the CEO of the Mission.
During my stay at the Rescue Mission I was able to maintain my sobriety and fellowship with other Christians, which made me grow stronger. I learned that most of the staff at the Rescue Mission were believers, so I would sit and talk with a few of them, and I grew stronger still. I was happy. I had God even more in my life. I had a roof over my head and food in my body! I had fellowship with other believers. I really didn’t want to move out. However, when that time came the Rescue Mission helped me with funding my move. In time, they offered me a job!
I can’t express enough how much the Rescue Mission has helped, supported and encouraged me and my walk with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior! I hope and pray that I can be that same encouragement to others who need it.
By Lisa Grace// Admin Asst. FRM
May 2022